Long Term Care Employers Insurance Company (LTCEIC)
Long Term Care Employers Insurance Company (LTCEIC) was assembled, filed, and approved in 2005 as a Special Purpose Captive insurance company. It is approved to write “complementary” coverages for other plans we offer. LTCEIC acts as a risk sharing partner and provides needed excess or stop loss coverage for other plans such as CULIC and MHCA SIF, our workers compensation self insurers fund.
LTCEIC has proven invaluable as a supplier of small layers of stop loss coverage for several of our other primary “risk taking” entities.
LTCEIC is licensed and regulated by the South Carolina Department of Insurance.
For additional information about LTCEIC contact:
282 Commerce Park Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: (601) 707-2471
Toll Free: (888) 927-9227
Admin Fax: (601) 707-2482